The DRSNews
Merry CHRISTmas! *
Published by subscription
only, by Dave’s Repair Service
©2008 All Rights Reserved
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A Special 'WELCOME!' if
you're a new subscriber! You're among
You may have noticed the
absence of a November issue this year.
Sorry about that! The 'busyness demon' struck again!
In this issue:
A Website Full of Cool Vintage Christmas 'Wishbook' Catalogs
2) How to Stop That Oil Leak From Under Your Whirlpool Washer
3) Another Address for Your Christmas Card List
Here's a nice collection of old Christmas catalogs, viewable right
on the website. Direct scans from 1940 to 1986, Sears, Spiegel's,
Wards, and other catalogs are posted here, with 'thumbnails' of their
pages at the bottom of each. It's great fun to page through these!
Some of the old appliance
and firearms prices make me want to laugh
and cry at the same time!
When you find oil underneath your Whirlpool - built top-load washer,
fix is actually not that tough.
Amazingly, it's been almost
a year ago already, back in January, since
talked about rebuilding an ailing Whirlpool-built washer's direct-drive
I briefly mentioned then that the input shaft seal, behind the
drive coupler,
should be replaced whenever the gearcase is rebuilt.
I've been wanting to expand
on replacing that troublesome little seal,
so we'll
do that in this issue, because I see it leaking a lot. I didn't mean
to leave you with the impression that it could only replaced by tearing
gearcase apart. It can easily be changed with the gearcase
in the machine.
I start by sliding the
washer out so that it's rear edge is even with the
front edge of the dryer. Then pull the cabinet off and set it aside. Tip
the washer back - you may have to remove the drain hose from the
standpipe - and lean it against the wall.
Remove the pump by prying
off its two clips and pulling it straight off.
Swing it aside, leaving its hoses attached. I use an 'S' hook slipped
through one of the hose clamp loops and hooked into the hole in the
left base leg to keep the pump out of my way.
Remove the two motor
shipping screws, pry off its mounting clips,
unplug its wiring, and ease the motor to the floor.
Pry the motor coupler off
the gearcase shaft. If the washer's been
leaking for very long, it'll most likely fall off in your hand (and should
be replaced).

The seal is pressed into
the gearcase casting, and is easy to remove
using a self-drilling sheet metal screw about an inch long. Use a
cordless screwdriver or drill to run the screw into the outer metal
area of the seal, at 2:00 or 7:00, and the screw will force the seal
out easily.
Because the washer's tipped
back, there's no worry about oil leakage
from the shaft with the seal out, but don't leave the washer tipped
back too long or it can start to leak a small amount from the tiny vent
hole on the gearcase top cover.
Clean the seal recess, and
tap the new seal (part # 285352) in place
using a 3/4''
deep socket and hammer, closed side out, until it seats.
That's it! Tap a new drive
coupler into place in the shaft, reassemble
the machine, and enjoy an oil-free floor again!
Once again this year, as I have for a long time,
I'm making
my card to the following address says 'Merry Christmas',
than 'Happy Holidays' or some other generic greeting:
125 Broad St,
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Well, that's about it for this issue. See ya next year!
* PS - They tell me it's no longer 'politically correct' to
say 'Merry
CHRISTmas', and
that I should say 'Happy Holidays', or something.
My response is
always the same: I certainly don't intend to offend
anyone, but
I'm not a politician, I'm a CHRISTian, and every December
I celebrate the Birth that
changed History (His Story!), as well as my
own life. (I certainly hope
you know Him, too; He'll change your life
forever, as He's changed
Wishing the very best ever CHRISTmas to you and yours!
Your friend,
Dave Harnish
Dave’s Repair Service
New Albany, PA
Wise Men Still Seek Him.
Mark 10:45
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