The DRSNews
(Once or twice/year I get so far behind I'm forced to skip
an issue and combine two months into one newsletter.
Happened again this month! Sorry!)
If you enjoy this issue, you're welcome to forward its link
to any friends or associates who might find it useful.
(There's an unsubscribe link in every issue if they decide
it's not their 'thing') Thanks!
A Special 'Welcome' to my new subscribers! Glad to have you
In this issue:
1) A Quick Test
for Frontload Washer Main
2) The Glossary of Appliance Terms
I get a lot of questions about frontload washers, and if you've read
my rambling very long, you know I'm still not a fan, I'm sorry to say.
They do a great job while they last, but my opinion's
been further
biased by our own Speed Queen top-load machine, which turned
30 this year - and has been used every day for the last 25!
If a $1000 washer wants to take up residence at our
house, it'd better
last longer than the 5-7 years I'm seeing most front-loaders 'live'!
Anyway, enough of that ranting, you've heard it all
before. <grin>
I find myself really short on time again this month
(getting to be the
norm around here lately!) so I'll keep this brief. I've had quite a few
folks ask how they could test the bearings in their FL washer, and
it's really simple.
Just open the door, reach in and grab the front of
the inner tub, and
lift up on it a few times. If you feel a 'clunk' as you lift, then the
bearings are starting to wear.
They may last a little while after they exhibit this
'play', but not usually
very long. You'll also notice more spin noise as bearing wear
It's gradual, but this wear's usually accompanied by an ever-louder
'roar' in spin.
Regrettably, those rear mounted tub bearings continue
to be the inherent
weakness of the design, and I wanted to pass this tip along. It's a fast
and simple test.
Whether you decide to replace the bearings or not is
totally up to you.
On most brands it requires replacing the entire rear half of the tub
with the bearings already installed), and it's pretty much the most
expensive repair done on one.
2) I'm nearly done with this new project, and would love your opinion.
The text portions are finished, even though it's a work in
I call it a 'glossary of appliance terms' and have nearly all of the
illustrations added. And it'll be available as one downloadable
file very soon. That's where you come in:
Please let me know what you think when you get a chance. Any ideas
you have for improvements, changes, a different name (I've had
several people suggest I call it something else, like a 'dictionary',
maybe. Whaddya think?), more ease of use, terms you'd
like to see
added, etc, are welcome. Here's what I have so far:
There's been a lot of demand for something like this; sort of an
abridged 'encyclopedia' of terms used in appliance service every
day. I tend to assume that everyone knows what I'm talking
about, but it can get confusing. This project is an attempt to list
common (and not so common) words and phrases used in the
Thanks again for inviting me into your inbox.
I don't take the
As always, if you have any topics you'd like to see discussed here
or covered in an online article, let me know and I'll do my best to
oblige. And don't forget those testimonials and/or suggestions/
complaints/critiques! Many thanks to those
of you who've already
sent yours in! You've been very kind!
May God richly bless you and yours,
and may He continue to have
mercy on America!
Dave Harnish
Dave's Repair Service
New Albany, PA
"The budget should be
balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should
be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands
should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again
learn to work,
instead of living on public assistance."
– Cicero’s warning to Rome, 65 A.D.
(Didja get that, America? History does repeat itself!)
Acts 17:26
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