to Replace the Maytag Wringer
Index Slide Part #A4332

When your Maytag's wringer head turns around freely,
not locking into position, this little critter's usually worn out. It's
made of soft aluminum, by design, so it fails long before the steel gear
it engages in the wringer post.
The good news is, theses are still available, not
terribly expensive, and easy to replace. Just lift your wringer assembly
straight up and off the washer, and lay it over on a padded surface.
You'll find the index slide underneath, held in place with four 5/16"
head screws.
Note the screws are two different lengths; this
picture shows you how the index mounts, and also which screws belong

Put a bit of multipurpose grease on the sliding
surfaces, bolt the new index into place, drop the wringer head back onto
the washer, and you're all set!
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