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Psalm 118:8




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Here's my life verse, from the Holy (King James) Bible:
Happy 413th Birthday, KJV! (1611-2024)

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."
Psalm 118:8

As I watch man's absurd ideas of abiogenesis and upward evolution dying their inevitable deaths, about to take their place alongside all the other vain attempts by men to discredit what God has said, this verse grows ever more meaningful to me. 

He spoke this physical universe, including time itself, into existence (uni verse: 'one spoken sentence'!) in six days, as we know days, and reminded us of that in Exodus 20:11. The miracle is that He took so long! But He did it that way to teach us, as can be seen in that verse.

He not only Created, but allowed His creation to have free will (love always involves choice), knowing man would fail and rebel against Him. And when we failed Him, He did the unthinkable. You can almost hear His angels gasp in horror at the very idea. He, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, physically entered His creation and died! Himself! In your place. In mine.  

And then He did something else that had never been done. He left the grave and defeated death! And He's still alive - today, right now!  

For those He knew would scoff, He arranged to have His life pre-written, history in advance, with details so numerous and complete as to be irrefutable! 

And He, your Creator, calls to you today, wanting only the best for you, not desiring that you should spend eternity in darkness in what He calls the 'second death' (Rev 20:6, 14). 

You have free will. A choice - that's already made if you've not called to Him for Life. Don't put your confidence in men. Choose Life. Real Life, that lasts. Choose Jesus Christ. Don't miss Him and all He has for you, especially the Free Gift of eternal Life. Call out, today, to your Creator, the God Who hears. 

Like me, you will never be the same!

John 3:3



"Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Nehemiah 9:6