Cleaning Your
Refrigerator's Condenser
May's the absolute best time of year to take a quick look under your
refrigerator, at least here in ol' Northern PA. By the
way guys, if you
really want to show her you love her, telling her I said *she's* supposed
to do this won't cut it!
the flashlight, lay on the floor in front of the
refrigerator, pull off the toe-plate, look underneath and say something like, "ah, yes, just
as I expected".
Note there are more and more refrigerators that
require back cover removal to clean the inlet of their
'jelly-roll' shaped (ugh) coil
Then get out the vacuum cleaner
and give that coil a good cleaning. A
crevice tool (the flat one, guys) and a long
condenser brush are the way to go. Be
careful not to run the vac tool or brush into the fan blade - this is easy to do on some models.
And needless to say, never, never do this when the unit's plugged in or when she's not
home to see
you do it!
I can't guarantee you'll hear her say "my
hero!" or
anything, but it sure doesn't hurt when we save the lovelies some dirty
work once in a while.
OK, enough marriage counseling - I digress. There
are still a few refrig's out there with condensing coils hanging on the back of their
cabinets, and if this describes yours, wonderful! You
will never have the pleasure of doing what the rest of us get to do every year or so. (You can still lie
on the kitchen floor and pretend to do something useful, but be sure she
read this newsletter).
Seriously, a refrigerator can almost be heard whispering
"thank you" after
this is done (your electric company, however, will whisper something
quite different because they just lost revenue).
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