How to Add Years
of Life to Your
Refrigerator's Door Seals
Here’s a simple trick that will most likely prevent your ever having to replace either of your refrigerator’s door
seals. It becomes even
more valuable if you own a newer models whose seals are no longer attached with screws,
but “glued” on (a really stupid idea to save you just a
few bucks in the short run,
every year – make it a part of Spring
housecleaning? (Anyone still DO Spring housecleaning?) wipe down the working surface of the seals with a damp cloth, and dry. Then apply a thin film of Petroleum Jelly to the HINGE side surface of both
seals. (ONLY to the hinge side working surface that contacts the cabinet, NOT
the whole seal!) This allows the sliding face of the seal to, well, slide, across the
hinge-side cabinet face, and will prevent its
twisting and tearing, the #1
cause of failure.
There was a time when some brands of new refrigerators arrived
from the factory with this already done, but that was back in the late 70’s
so I’m dating myself and we’ll drop that subject…
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