Clothes Washers and
Fill Screens

Here's the solution I've used for many more years than
I care to recall <grin> when a washer's installation makes it hard
to access the screens inside its fill valve (where the hoses
Putting a pair of these screened washers up at the
faucets makes it a whole lot easier to clean them when they clog (usually
only the cold one clogs). Be sure and install them so the tip of the
screen's cone points 'upstream' in the water flow. A little dab of
silicone-based grease on the faucet threads will make your life easier,
If the household's water appears to be carrying a lot
of sediment, I'll remove the valve's internal screens, and install a set
of these instead (the water supply MUST be screened to prevent sediment
from blocking the valve open and causing overflow)
You should be able to find these at your local hardware
store, but if you can't, feel free to contact
me about a set. I buy them in boxes of 100, and always have them on
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