Identifying "Later" Maytag Wringer
You'll find parts, service and owner's manuals for these machines
E2 Series
Square Aluminum Tub
Hinged Lid |
J2 Series
Square Porcelain Tub
Lid lifts off |
N2 Series
Round Porcelain Tub
Lid lifts off |
Notes on model number digits:
E, J, N: Model Series
2: Built after World War II
L: Electric motor (M: Gas "Multimotor")
P: Pump model (vs. gravity-drain)
S: Safety model with pneumatic "foot pedal"
(Small rubber bulb with connecting hose, pressed with the
foot to keep the wringer operating)
(To bypass that feature, see
this page)
For example, a model:
E2LPS = E series washer, built post-WWII, with electric motor, pump, and
"safety" clutch
To learn when your Maytag wringer was built by its
serial number, see this page.
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