Just sold the last one
I had. These are getting really
hard to find
and "trickle" in one at a time, so if you need one, keep checking back
to this page. I post it here as soon as I find one.
Vintage Frigidaire
YT-4 Start Relay #5876896 for 1/8 hp Compressors
Brand New Old Stock!
I still have very
limited numbers of some of the other less common YT relays
Frigidaire used. Contact me if

This is the most popular compressor
start relay/overload protector
Frigidaire ever used, but is very tough to find today. This part #5876896 (later changed to 530587896) replaced earlier numbers 5850824,
5901083, and several others, all for 1/8 and 1/9 horsepower refrig and
freezer compressors.
Used from 1942 thru 1966, this is a brand new "old stock" part.
If your refrig uses one of these, don't hesitate - these are really
tough to find and this one won't stay in stock long! I'm asked about
these at least once/week.
If you have any doubts whether this one will
work in your old refrigerator, or if the part number's worn off your
original, which is common,
drop me an email and I can double-check it by your refrig's cabinet
model number. You'll usually find that stenciled on the back of the
refrig in 1" tall black letters.
I have to get $65.50 for this rare relay, plus $8.00
Priority shipping, $73.50 total delivered. Takes just 2-3 days to most
US addresses (plus 6% sales tax if you're in PA).
Note: I can't accept returns
on start components like this relay, so if you have any doubts about
whether this one will work with your model, please be sure to
email me
before ordering.
USPS International Shipping Rates have gone sky-high!
Please email me for rates, especially if you're in Australia or Canada.
*If you live outside the U.S. or just have a question about these
relays, please
here to email me.