Frigidaire (GM) Washer Transmission Parts Diagrams
Here's a 15 page collection
of rare, highly detailed 'exploded' views of all (General Motors mfg.)
Frigidaire Clothes Washer Transmissions from 1947-1972, with original
part numbers! And it's in Adobe .pdf format, so we can deliver
it to you via direct-download - fast, easy, and with
no shipping charges! (also available on a CD for $5 more and a 2-3
day wait!)
An advantage of .pdf
is the ability to zoom in on the images and examine details. Or print a
hardcopy if you wish. A very flexible and handy resource for all
you classic appliance enthusiasts who are familiar with the quality that
was built into these great old washers!
Here's an image of one
of the pages of this collection so you can get an idea of the fine
detail (even though this picture doesn't do it justice).

File size of this manual is a
bit over 3MB - not a long download, even if your connection's
slower. Current price is only $12.50. Click the button below to
purchase and download:
(You don't need a Paypal account to pay with your
credit card)
If you'd rather order by another method,
live outside the US, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me
Thank you!