Sunbeam T-9 Toaster
Service Manual

Collectors! Here's something you won't see very often!
is an original 1949 Sunbeam T9 toaster service manual & 1950 parts
list, in one nicely remastered (21 pages, approx. 11.5MB) file.
set of manuals is in Adobe pdf format, and is a high-quality,
painstaking scan of my original manuals - not 3rd or 4th
'generation' copies! Pdf is great for zooming in to look at details. And you can print off a
copy whenever you like! And
there's no shipping cost, because you can easily and immediately
download this file!

To buy this manual ($15.50 total) using Paypal,
(You don't need a Paypal account to pay with your
credit card)
If you'd rather order by another method, live outside
the US, or have any questions, please contact me