Sunbeam Mixmaster
'Care and Operation' Manual
(Models 7B)

is a direct hi-res. scan of our original manual, and
NOT a 3rd or 4th generation copy! In pdf format, this manual is 4 pages
long, and contains 'Care and Operation' information.
pdf is a great format for manuals like these. You can zoom in and
view the high-res. details you just can't see on a print-only
manual! And you can print your own copy if you like!
are NO SHIPPING COSTS, and No Waiting, because it can be
downloaded instantly, straight to your computer! The file is only 3.7MB
in size, not a long download.
To buy the Download version ($5.50 total) using
Paypal, click here:
(You don't need a Paypal account to securely use a
credit card via their system)
If you'd rather order by another method, live outside
the US, or have any questions, please contact me