Sunbeam Mixmaster
Oiling and Maintenance Information
For models
5, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12
(Most of these are scanned from original manuals,
and most are FREE - help yourself!)
to the Sunbeam Mixmaster maintenance page! Right now this information
applies only to selected older metal models of these great mixers. I hope
to add more as time allows. Scanned and digitally remastered from the
original Sunbeam manuals, these files are in pdf format, and can be
downloaded or viewed in your browser. You'll need the Adobe reader (also
free) to view pdf files. If you don't have a copy, just click the image on
the left side of this page to download it.
notes on lubrication:
"Genuine" Mixmaster grease is no longer available, at
least I can't locate it any more. But a good grade of high temperature
automotive wheel bearing grease works very well for the purpose. Just be
sure it's formulated for wheel bearings with disc brakes, so it's high
temperature and won't tend to melt and run down your mixer's beater
Use only the best oil you can find. I usually use either Whirlpool's
'turbine oil' or Slick50™ engine treatment. Both have worked well for
me. A good sewing machine oil will also serve. (Please don't use WD-40;
it's not a bearing lubricant, but a "water displacer", among other things:
Here's my current list of uses
for that handy stuff. )
I love 4 oz precision needle-oiler
bottles for adding a drop or two to all sorts of machinery, and
they're perfect for oiling Mixmasters. I keep a few extras on hand. You
can see them here.
Most of these
are FREE downloads, no 'strings' attached! Keep the old girls running
smoothly, folks!
the links to view in your browser, or 'right-click' and 'save target as'
to download to your computer:
7's maintenance page - oiling, etc (also applies to model 5's)
9's maintenance page
10 maintenance page
11 maintenance page
12 maintenance page
(70's) Mixmaster models, owners manuals:
2358, 2359, 2360 owners manual (pdf, approx 1MB)
How to disassemble and repair 70's
models - MMA, MMB, 1-7A, etc
(Written by yours truly, I have to charge a few bucks for this one)
to come as I get time to scan and post them)
Was this page helpful?
Please donate a few dollars to help me keep this information free!
Thanks! - Dave
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